PHYS 510 - Computational Physics I

Exam 2

Spring 2010

Date Assigned: April 10, 2010
Date Due : May 7, 2010

On May 7 (5:30p), each two-person group should prepare to give an oral presentation (see Oral Presentation Format) on one of the five following problems. The presentation should be self-contained meaning that you should assume the audience to be general physics students without specific knowledge of your problem. The presentation should have at least three distinct sections: a background section on the theory and physical concepts related to the problem, an implementation section on your numerical methods used in solving this problem, and a discussion section on your results, problems encountered, and possible improvements. Each members of the team should be responsible for a substantial portion of the work presented. The group should plan on giving the entire talk within a time frame of 20 to 25 mins. You are encouraged to turn in a written report on another problem among the remaining four for EXTRA CREDITS. All written reports for the semester must be in my inbox by midnight on May 7, 2010.

All these problems require each one of you to do a bit of research on the topics before you should starting coding for the solution. You are strongly encouraged to get yourself familiar with the specific problem(s) by reading the short article or book chapters indicated on the assignment page.

  1. Quantum Perturbations: Aharmonic Oscillator
  2. Quantum Scattering
  3. Waves on a Non-uniform String
  4. Nonlinear Dynamics of Networks
  5. Stochastic Differential Equations