ECE 590, Neural Engineering           ECE 499, Neural Engineering       Spring of 2008

General Information

Type Day Time (from / to) Location
Lecture Thursday 4:30pm 7:10pm Krug Hall 209
Office hours Tuesday 4 pm      5 pm     Science and Technology II, room 211
Office hours Thursday 3pm 4pm Science and Technology II, room 211


  • Class Calendar: follow link on the left.
  • Syllabus: (pdf)


Nathalia Peixoto
Office: Science and Technology II, Room 211
Email: npeixoto'at'
Office Hours: Thursday 1:30pm to 3:30pm

Additional office hours by appointment (send Nathalia an email).


Main Textbook: Neural Engineering, ed. Bin He, Bioelectric Engineering Series, vol. 3, 2005. ISBN 0-306-48609-1. Pertinent journal papers will be emailed to students periodically.

Supplementary texts:

- Kandel, E.R., Principles of Neural Science, McGraw-Hill, 2000, ISBN 0838577016.

- Purves, D, Augustine, G.J, et al. (eds), Neuroscience, Sinauer Assoc., 1997 (or newer edition). ISBN 0878937471.

- Khandpur, R.S., Biomedical Instrumentation, McGraw-Hill, 2005. ISBN 0071447849. 

Grading policy

Midterm:                          25% - now changed to 15%
Final Exam:                      25% - now changed to 15%
Project:                            25% - now not changed yet.
Class participation:          10% - now changed to 15%
Homework assignments: 15% - now changed to 30% (????)

In order to ensure transparency, students will receive a rubric (in the first class) used by the instructor to grade class participation.

Course (more detailed) information

Objective: This course gives an overview of Neural Engineering for graduate and senior undergraduate students with Engineering background. The sequence of classes is designed to cover from fundamentals of Neurophysiology through applications of neural prosthesis devices such as retinal and cochlear implants. Other important aspects of Neural Engineering to be discussed include the brain-machine interface, instrumentation for interfacing electronics to the nervous system, and sensors for neural research.

Prerequisite: While there is no formal prerequisite, it is expected that the students show interest in the area of Bioengineering in general, and in particular in Neuroscience. It is also desirable that the students acquire the necessary knowledge during the semester, either by interaction with the instructor and other students, or by the reading of support textbooks. Homeworks will, when possible, reinforce fundamental topics in Neuroscience.