Recent Publications
Macroscopic Complexity from an Autonomous Network of Networs of Theta Neurons
- Froniter in Computational Neuroscience 8:145 DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2014.00145 (2014).
- Tanushree Luke, Ernest Barreto, and Paul So
Control of Collective Network Chaos
- Chaos 24 023127 (2014).
- Alexandre Wagemakers, Ernest Barreto, Miguel A. F. Sanjuan, and Paul So
Networks of Theta Neurons with Time-Varying Excitability: Macroscopic Chaos, Multistability, and Final-State Uncertainty
- Physica D 267 16-26 (2014).
- Paul So, Tanushree B. Luke, and Ernest Barreto
Complete Classification of the Macroscopic Behavior
of a Heterogeneous Network of Theta Neurons
- Neural Computation 25 3207-3234 (2013).
- Tanushree B. Luke, Ernest Barreto, Paul So
Generating Macroscopic Chaos in a Network of Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators
- CHAOS 21 033127 (2011)
- Paul So and Ernest Barreto
- Scholarpedia 4(8):2242 (2009)
- Evelyn Sander, Paul So, Ernest Barreto
Exact Results for the Kuramoto Model with a Bimodal Frequency Distribution
- Physical Review E 79 026204 (2009)
- E.A. Martens, E Barreto, S.H. Strogatz, E. Ott, P. So, and T.M. Antonsen
Synchronization in Interacting Populations of Heterogeneous Oscillators with Time-Varying Coupling
- Chaos 18 037114 (2008)
- Paul So, Bernard C. Cotton, and Ernest Barreto
Synchronization in Networks of Networks: The Onset of Coherent Collective Behavior in Systems of Interacting Populations of Heterogeneous Oscillators
- Physical Review E 77 036107 (2008)
- Ernest Barreto, Brian Hunt, Edward Ott, and Paul So
Unstable periodic orbits
- Scholarpedia 2(2):1353 (2007)
- Paul So
A Model of the Effects of Applied Electric Fields on Neuronal Synchronization
- The Journal of Computational Neuroscience 19 53-70 (2005)
- Eun-Hyoung Park, Ernest Barreto, Bruce J. Gluckman, Steven J. Schiff, and Paul So
Dynamics of Noninvertibility in Delay Equations
- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Supplement Volume 768-777 (2005)
- Evelyn Sander, Ernest Barreto, Steven Schiff, and Paul So
Electric Field Modulation of Synchronization in Neuronal Networks
- Neurocomputing 52-54 169-175 (2003)
- Eun-Hyoung Park, Paul So, Ernest Barreto, Bruce J. Gluckman, and Steven J. Schiff
Synchrony in Globally Coupled Chaotic, Periodic, and Mixed Ensembles of Dynamical Units
- A. Pikovsky and Y. Maistrenko (eds.) Synchornization: Theory and Application 175-186 (2003)
- Edward Ott, Paul So, Ernest Barreto, and Thomas Antonsen
The Geometry of Chaos Synchronization
- Chaos 13 151 (2003)
- Ernest Barreto, Kresimir Josic, Carlos J. Morales, Evelyn Sander, and Paul So
The Onset of Synchronization in Systems of Globally Coupled Chaotic and Periodic Oscillators
- Physica D 173 29-51 (2002)
- Edward Ott, Paul So, Ernest Barreto, and Thomas Antonsen
Limits to the Experimental Detection of Nonlinear Synchrony
- Phys. Rev. E 65 046225 (2002)
- Paul So, Ernest Barreto, Kresimir Josic, Evelyn Sander, and Steven J. Schiff
The Breakdown of Synchronization in Systems of Non-identical Chaotic Oscillators: Theory and Experiment
- Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos 11 2705-2713 (2001)
- Jennifer Chubb, Ernest Barreto, Paul So, and Bruce J. Gluckman
The Breakdown of Synchronization and Shadowing in Coupled Chaotic Systems: Analysis via the Subsystem Decomposition
- Space Time Chaos: Characterization, Control, and Synchronization
(Pamplona, Spain, 19-23 June 2000),
S. Boccaletti et al., editors,
World Scientific, March 2001.
- Ernest Barreto and Paul So
Differentiability Implies Continuity in Neuronal Dynamics
- Physica D 148 175-181 (2000).
- Joseph T. Francis, Paul So, Bruce Gluckman, and Steven Schiff
Mechanism for the Development of Unstable Dimension Variability and the Breakdown of Shadowing in Coupled Chaotic Systems
- Phys. Rev. Letts 85 2490 (2000).
- Ernest Barreto and Paul So
From Generalized Synchrony to Topological Decherence: Emergent Sets in Coupled Chaotic Systems
- Phys. Rev. Letts. 84 1689 (2000).
- Ernest Barreto, Paul So, Bruce Gluckman, and Steven Schiff
Box-Counting Dimension without Boxes:
Calculating D_0 from Average Expansion Rates
- Phys. Rev. E 60 378 (1999).
- Paul So, Ernest Barreto, and Brian Hunt
Periodic Orbits: A New Language for Neuronal Dynamics (Chinese Translation)
- Advanced in Mechanics 29, 121 (1999).
- Translated by: Yang Qian
- [Translated from:
Paul So, Joseph T. Francis, Theoden I. Netoff, Bruce J. Gluckman,
and Steven J. Schiff, "Periodic Orbits: A New Language for Neuronal Dynamics,"
Biophys. J. 74,2776-2785 (1998)]
Stochastic Resonance in Mammalian Neuronal Networks
- Chaos 8 588-598 (1998).
- Bruce J. Gluckman, Paul So, Theoden I. Netoff, Mark L. Spano, and Steven J. Schiff
Periodic Orbits: A New Language for Neuronal Dynamics
- Biophysical Journal 74 2776-2785 (1998).
- Paul So, Joseph T. Francis, Theoden I. Netoff, Bruce J. Gluckman,
and Steven J. Schiff
Extracting Unstable Periodic Orbits from Chaotic Time Series
- Physical Review E 55 5398 (1997).
- Paul So, Edward Ott, Tim Sauer, Bruce J. Gluckman, Celso
Grebogi, and Steven J. Schiff
Dectecting Dynamical Interdependence and Generalized Synchrony through Mutual Prediction in a Neural Ensemble
- Phys. Rev. E 54 6708 (1996).
- Steven J. Schiff, Paul So, Taeun Chang, Robert E. Burke, and Tim Sauer
Spectral Statistics for Quantum Chaos with Ray Splitting
- Phys. Letts. A 216 59 (1996).
- Paul So and Edward Ott
Detecting Unstable Periodic Orbits in Chaotic Experimental Data
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 4705 (1996).
- Paul So, Edward Ott, Steven J. Schiff, Daniel T. Kaplan,
Tim Sauer, and Celso Grebogi
Wave Chaos Experiments with and without Time Reversal Symmetry: GUE and GOE Statistics
- Phys. Rev. Letts 74 2662 (1995).
- Paul So and Edward Ott
Controlling Chaos using Time Delay Coordinates via Stabilization of Periodic Orbits
- Phys. Rev. E 51 2955 (1995).
- Paul So and Edward Ott
Observing Chaos: Deducing and Tracking the State of a Chaotic System from Limited Observation
- Phys. Rev. E 49 2650 (1994).
- Paul So, Edward Ott, and W. P. Dayawansa
Observing Chaos: Deducing and Tracking the State of a Chaotic System from Limited Observation
- Physics Letters A 176 421 (1993).
- Paul So, Edward Ott, and W. P. Dayawansa