Recent Preprints and Reprints
Macroscopic complexity from an autonomous network of networks of theta neurons
- Froniter in Computational Neuroscience 8:145 DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2014.00145 (2014).
- Tanushree B. Luke, Ernest Barreto, and Paul So
Control of Collective Network Chaos
- Chaos to appear (2014).
- Alexandre Wagemakers, Ernest Barreto, Miguel A. F. Sanju´an, and Paul So
Networks of theta neurons with time-varying excitability: Macroscopic chaos, multistability, and final-state uncertainty
- Physica D (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.physd.2013.04.009
- Paul So, Tanushree B. Luke, and Ernest Barreto
Complete Classification of the Macroscopic Behavior
of a Heterogeneous Network of Theta Neurons
- Neural Computation 25 3207–3234 (2013).
- Tanushree B. Luke, Ernest Barreto, Paul So
Generating Macroscopic Chaos in a Network of Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators
- CHAOS 21, 033127 (2011)
- Paul So and Ernest Barreto
Ion Concentration Dynamics as a Mechanism for Neuronal Bursting
- Journal of Biological Physics 37, 361-373 (2011)
- Ernest Barreto and John R. Cressman
Synchronized Changes to Relative Neuron Populations in Postnatal Human Neocortical Development
- Cognitive Neurodynamics 44, 151-163 (2010)
- David L. Cooper, James E. Gentle, Ernest Barreto, and James L. Olds
The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Dynamics on Excitability, Seizures, and the Stability of Persistent States: I. Single Neuron Dynamics
- Journal of Computational Neuroscience 26 159-170 (2009)
- John R. Cressman Jr., Ghanim Ullah, Jokubas Ziburkus, Steven J. Schiff, and Ernest Barreto
The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Dynamics on Excitability, Seizures, and the Stability of Persistent States: II. Network and Glial Dynamics
- Journal of Computational Neuroscience 26 171-183 (2009)
- Ghanim Ullah, John R. Cressman Jr., Jokubas Ziburkus, Steven J. Schiff, and Ernest Barreto
- Scholarpedia 4(8):2242 (2009)
- Evelyn Sander, Paul So, Ernest Barreto
Exact Results for the Kuramoto Model with a Bimodal Frequency Distribution
- Physical Review E 79, 026204 (2009)
- E.A. Martens, E Barreto, S.H. Strogatz, E. Ott, P. So, and T.M. Antonsen
Synchronization in Interacting Populations of Heterogeneous Oscillators with Time-Varying Coupling
- Chaos 18 037114 (2008)
- Paul So, Bernard C. Cotton, and Ernest Barreto
Synchronization in Networks of Networks: The Onset of Coherent Collective Behavior in Systems of Interacting Populations of Heterogeneous Oscillators
- Physical Review E 77 036107 (2008)
- Ernest Barreto, Brian Hunt, Edward Ott, and Paul So
Unstable periodic orbits
- Scholarpedia 2(2):1353 (2007)
- Paul So
Interneuron and Pyramidal Cell Interplay During In Vitro Seizure-like Events
- Journal of Neurophysiology 95 3948-3954 (2006)
- Jokubas Ziburkus, John R. Cressman, Ernest Barreto, and Steven J. Schiff
Neuronal Spatiotemporal Pattern Discrimination: The Dynamical
Evolution of Seizures
- NeuroImage 28 1043-1055 (2005)
- Steven J. Schiff, Tim Sauer, Rohit Kumar, and Steven L. Weinstein
Dangerous Phase
- Neuroinformatics - Commentary3 315-317 (2005)
- Steven J. Schiff
A Model of the Effects of Applied Electric Fields on Neuronal Synchronization
- The Journal of Computational Neuroscience 19 53-70 (2005)
- Eun-Hyoung Park, Ernest Barreto, Bruce J. Gluckman, Steven J. Schiff, and Paul So
Dynamics of Noninvertibility in Delay Equations
- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Supplement Volume 768-777 (2005)
- Evelyn Sander, Ernest Barreto, Steven Schiff, and Paul So
Multivariate Linear Discrimination of Seizures
- Clinical Neurophysiology 116 545-551 (2005)
- Jerger, KK, Weinstein, SL, Sauer, T, and Schiff, SJ
Control of Traveling Waves in Mammalian Cortex
- Physical Review Letters 94 028103 (2005)
- Kristen A. Richardson, Steven J. Schiff, and Bruce J. Gluckman
Sprial Waves in Disinhibited Mammalian Neocortex
- The Journal of Neuroscience 24 9897-9902 (2004)
- Xiaoying Huang, William C. Troy, Qian Yang, Hongtao Ma, Carlo R. Laing, Steven J. Schiff, and Jian-Young Wu
Analytical Coupling Detection in the Presence of Noise and Nonlinearity
- Physical Review E 69 017201 (2004)
- Theoden I. Netoff, Louis M. Pecora and Steven J. Schiff
Interplay of EEG phase and auditory evoked neural activity
- Journal of Neuroscience 23: 10122-10127 (2003)
- Kruglikov, SY and Schiff, SJ
In Vivo Modulation of Hippocampal Epilepiform Activity with Radial Electric Fields
- Epilepsia 44 768-777 (2003)
- Kristen A. Richardson, Bruce J. Gluckman, Steven L. Weinstein, Caryn E. Glosch, Jessica B. Moon, Ryder P. Gwinn, Karen Gale, and Steven J. Schiff
Sensitivity of Neurons to Weak Electric Fields
- Journal of Neuroscience 23 7255-721 (2003)
- Joseph T. Francis, Bruce J. Gluckman, and Steven J. Schiff
Electric Field Modulation of Synchronization in Neuronal Networks
- Neurocomputing 52-54 169-175 (2003)
- Eun-Hyoung Park, Paul So, Ernest Barreto, Bruce J. Gluckman, and Steven J. Schiff
Synchrony in Globally Coupled Chaotic, Periodic, and Mixed Ensembles of Dynamical Units
- A. Pikovsky and Y. Maistrenko (eds.) Synchornization: Theory and Application 175-186 (2003)
- Edward Ott, Paul So, Ernest Barreto, and Thomas Antonsen
Pattern Formation in a Nonlinear Model for Animal Coats
- Journal of Differential Equations 191 143-174 (2003)
- Evelyn Sander and Thomas Wanner
The Geometry of Chaos Synchronization
- Chaos 13 151 (2003)
- Ernest Barreto, Kresimir Josic, Carlos J. Morales, Evelyn Sander, and Paul So
Failure of Single-Unit Neuronal Activity to Differentiate Globus Pallidus internus and externus in Parkinson Disease
- The Journal of Neurosurgery 97 119 (2002)
- Steven J. Schiff, M.D., Ph.D., Brian K. Dunagan, and Robert M. Worth, M.D., Ph.D.
Decreased Neuronal Synchronization during Experimental Seizures
- The Journal of Neuroscience 22 7297 (2002)
- Theoden I. Netoff and Steven J. Schiff
The Onset of Synchronization in Systems of Globally Coupled Chaotic and Periodic Oscillators
- Physica D 173 29-51 (2002)
- Edward Ott, Paul So, Ernest Barreto, and Thomas Antonsen
Limits to the Experimental Detection of Nonlinear Synchrony
- Phys. Rev. E, 65 046225 (2002)
- Paul So, Ernest Barreto, Kresimir Josic, Evelyn Sander, and Steven J. Schiff
Explosions: Global Bifurcations at Heteroclinic Tangencies
- Ergodic
Theory and Dynamical Systems 22 953-972 (2002)
- K. Alligood, E. Sander, and J. Yorke
Adaptive Electric Field Control of Epileptic Seizures
- Journal of Neuroscience, 21 (2), 590-600 (2001)
- Bruce J. Gluckman, Hanh Nguyen, Steven L. Weinstein, and Steven J. Schiff
The Breakdown of Synchronization in Systems of Non-identical Chaotic Oscillators: Theory and Experiment
- Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 11 2705-2713 (2001)
- Jennifer Chubb, Ernest Barreto, Paul So, and Bruce J. Gluckman
The Breakdown of Synchronization and Shadowing in Coupled Chaotic Systems: Analysis via the Subsystem Decomposition
- Space Time Chaos: Characterization, Control, and Synchronization
(Pamplona, Spain, 19-23 June 2000),
S. Boccaletti et al., editors,
World Scientific, March 2001.
- Ernest Barreto and Paul So
Brain Chirps: Spectrographic Signatures of Epileptic Seizures
- Clinical Neurophysiology 111 953 (2000)
- Steven J. Schiff, David Colella, Gary M. Jacyna, Elizabeth Jughes, Joseph W. Creekmore, Angela Marshall, Maribeth Bozek-Kuzmicki, George Benke, William D. Gaillard, Joan Conry, and Steven R. Weinstein
Differentiability Implies Continuity in Neuronal Dynamics
- Physica D, 148, 175-181 (2000).
- Joseph T. Francis, Paul So, Bruce Gluckman, and Steven Schiff
Mechanism for the Development of Unstable Dimension Variability and the Breakdown of Shadowing in Coupled Chaotic Systems
- Phys. Rev. Letts, 85 2490 (2000).
- Ernest Barreto and Paul So
From Generalized Synchrony to Topological Decherence: Emergent Sets in Coupled Chaotic Systems
- Phys. Rev. Letts., 84, 1689 (2000).
- Ernest Barreto, Paul So, Bruce Gluckman, and Steven Schiff
Box-Counting Dimension without Boxes:
Calculating D_0 from Average Expansion Rates
- Phys. Rev. E, 60, 378 (1999).
- Paul So, Ernest Barreto, and Brian Hunt
Periodic Orbits: A New Language for Neuronal Dynamics (Chinese Translation)
- Advanced in Mechanics 29, 121 (1999).
- Translated by: Yang Qian
- [Translated from:
Paul So, Joseph T. Francis, Theoden I. Netoff, Bruce J. Gluckman,
and Steven J. Schiff, "Periodic Orbits: A New Language for Neuronal Dynamics,"
Biophys. J. 74,2776-2785 (1998)]
Forecasting Brain Storms
- Nature Medicine, News and Views, 4, 1117 (1998).
- Steven J. Schiff
Stochastic Resonance in Mammalian Neuronal Networks
- Chaos 8, no.3, 588-598 (1998).
- Bruce J. Gluckman, Paul So, Theoden I. Netoff, Mark L. Spano, and Steven J. Schiff
Periodic Orbits: A New Language for Neuronal Dynamics
- Biophysical Journal 74, 2776-2785 (1998).
- Paul So, Joseph T. Francis, Theoden I. Netoff, Bruce J. Gluckman,
and Steven J. Schiff