Nonlinear Science Group Seminars at George Mason University

The seminars will be scheduled mostly on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. The goal of this seminar series is to serve researchers who have an active interests in the field of nonlinear dynamics and chaos research. Interested faculty members and students are drawn from the Departments of Physics, Math, CSI, Psychology, and the Krasnow Institute. The talks will focus on cutting edge researches in both theoretical and experimental nonlinear science and chaos. The following is a list of previous speakers: Fall 01 Schedule,Spring 01 Schedule, Fall 00 Schedule, Spring 00 Schedule, Fall 99 Schedule, Spring 99 Schedule, Fall 98 Schedule.

Upcoming NSG Seminar


George Mason University, Fairfax Department of Physics and Astronomy
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Department of Psychology
School for Computational Sciences and
Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study

Time: 12 noon - 1 pm
Place: Science and Tech I, GMU Fairfax campus

Requests to be added to the NSG electronic mailing list can be sent to
Directions to George Mason University.